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President Ersin Tatar: “I invite the Greek Cypriot Administration to review its relationship with terrorism and terrorist organisations and to cease cooperating with terrorist organisations ...

President Ersin Tatar: “I invite the Greek Cypriot Administration to review its relationship with terrorism and terrorist organisations and to cease cooperating with terrorist organisations which, with their political motives, pose a threat to the people of the world”   


President Ersin Tatar, Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU) Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Bülent Kent, ASBU North Cyprus Coordinator Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa and his entourage agreed

“Increasing political, cultural and economic cooperation with the Republic of Türkiye further strengthens the existence of the TRNC”


President Ersin Tatar: “First indications show that about 700 dönüms of forest land in the Geçitköy region have been gutted by the fire”

President Ersin Tatar has stated that the first indications have shown about 700 dönüms of forest land in the Geçitköy region have been gutted


President Ersin Tatar requests British fire-fighting helicopters from the SBA’s to help in efforts to put out the fire in Geçitköy

President Ersin Tatar, having cancelled his programme,  is in the Geçitköy region to supervise efforts to put out the fire in the Geçitköy region in the north-west of the island.


President Ersin Tatar participates in Civil Defence, Disaster Management and Response Exercise 2022 organised by the TRNC Civil Defence Organisation

President Ersin Tatar has participated in the Civil Defence, Disaster Management and Intervention Exercise 2022 that was organised by the TRNC Civil Defence Organisation.


President Ersin Tatar's warns opposition: “Be constructive, not destructive

President Ersin Tatar has issued a written statement calling upon opposition political parties to show a spirit of unity, solidarity and cooperation, instead of   adopting a non-constructive position and using destructive, rather than constructive comments, which could drag the country into chaos.
