Message from President Ersin Tatar on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day
President Tatar emphasised that autistic disorder can be seen in all races, ethnic groups or groups with different social status, and that there is no link between autistic disorder and the family's income, lifestyle and education level. In his message, President Tatar said: “The first and important step in opening the door of communication with our children with autism is early diagnosis and I want to emphasise that the only known treatment is intensive and continuous special education and ‘our awareness’.”
President Tatar continued as follows:
“With early diagnosis followed by special education, it is possible to make a big difference in the lives of children with autism and to bring them to a level where they can study at the same school with their peers with healthy development.
Autistic children must be included in the education system for the simple reason that education, above all, means ‘treatment’ for the individual with autism. The most important difference that separates autism from other special needs groups is that children with autism can overcome most of their problems with early diagnosis and early integration in education. For this reason, I invite everybody to join hands and to play a role in raising public awareness on autism.
I would like to convey my gratitude and thanks to the parents and educators for their sensitivity and efforts, who make the greatest contribution for our autistic children to have equal human rights and to benefit from the fundamental freedoms as the rest of us.
It is one of our most important goals that our children with autism are speedily integrated into society and that they receive education under equal conditions.
Therefore, we shall continue monitoring legislative work in the TRNC Parliament to make sure the bill in relation to education of individuals with special needs is enacted as soon as possible.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank again all the educators and employees who have devoted themselves to special education during the pandemic process."