President Ersin Tatar addresses the official parade at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation

“We are working with the support of the Republic of Türkiye for the recognition of the TRNC and to strengthen our economy and prosperity”


President Ersin Tatar addressed the main parade held at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard in Lefkoşa on Saturday, which marked the momentous 50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation.
President Tatar began his speech by greeting Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of the Republic of Türkiye – who participated in the parade and other high-level officials and deputies of Türkiye and Azerbaijan, civil organisation representatives and members of the public.
"We are today celebrating with great joy the 50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation which brought to us Peace and Freedom, stopped the violence and bloodshed that was being carried out by the Greek-Greek Cypriot duo against the Turkish Cypriot People, who were expelled from the state apparatus of the partnership Republic of Cyprus in December 1963, three years after it had been established, because of the aspiration to unite Cyprus with Greece,” President Tatar said.
Stating “The Peace Operation was carried out following the coup d’etat of the Greek Junta who declared the Hellenic Republic of Cyprus,” the President added. “We are here today to mark this momentous anniversary, which saved Turkish Cypriot People from extermination.”
President Tatar emphasised: “The Greek Cypriot leadership expelled the Turkish Cypriot People by force of arms from the 1960 Republic of Cyprus and attempted to use this Republic as a springboard for Enosis (Union of Cyprus with Greece). On December 21, 1963, known as the Bloody Christmas, the Greek Cypriots barbarically implemented the Akritas plan, which had the objective to annihilate the Turkish Cypriot People. One-hundred-and-three of our villages were arson attacked and destroyed, forcing our people to flee from their homes. Our loyal and devoted people were forced to live in tents for 11 years in dire conditions, in hunger and poverty, however they did not bow down or become slaves. They did not violate the honour and dignity of Turkishness and fought with their heads held high. Due to the status quo created on March 4, 1964, 60 years ago, the United Nations Security Council endorsed resolution 186, which treated the Greek Cypriot Side as though they are the sole government of the Island, which is not only unfair, but contrary to international agreements, unlawful, immoral and unethical. The conflict and massacres that started with the 1963 Bloody Christmas attacks continued in various parts of Cyprus, including in Erenköy and Geçitkale, until 1974. Our National Poet, Süleyman Uluçamgil, an Erenköy martyr, famously made a comparison of the national struggle of the Turkish nation in Anatolia and Turkish Cypriot People, where he said:
“. . .What if the Mediterranean lies between us, What is the difference between us, for we have all been moulded within the same borders. Some of us say 'when we are dying’ whilst others express it with the words ‘as we die’. . .”
I want to take this opportunity and commemorate our Martyr Poet Uluçamgil with gratitude. May he rest in eternal peace." 
 President Ersin Tatar stated that whilst the Greek-Greek Cypriot duo were attacking Turkish Cypriot civilians across the Island of Cyprus between 1963 and 1974, “they were also calculating as to how and when the Island would be united with Greece”.
 The President continued: “When the military junta in Greece and the EOKA terrorist organisation declared the 'Hellenic Republic of Cyprus' with the coup d’etat of July 15, 1974, their main goal was to massacre our people and annex Cyprus to Greece. During this painful period of violence, our people anxiously looked to the north, across the Mediterranean Sea to the Taurus mountains (in Türkiye), with their eyes and ears fixed on Ankara. As from July 15, 1974 for Turkish Cypriots, each day was like months.
Bülent Ecevit, the Prime Minister of Motherland and Guarantor Türkiye, had at the time travelled to the other Guarantor country, Britain, on July 18, where he met with Prime Minister James Callaghan. Meanwhile, Cyrus Vance, the US Special Envoy, paid emergency visits to Athens and Ankara, respectively. Prime Minister Ecevit had stated to Mr Vance, that if he wished to return to his country, he should do so quickly as all ports and airports of Türkiye would soon be closed, because Turkish armed forces were off the coast of the Island of Cyprus.”
President Tatar explained that the “patience” of the Turkish Cypriot People – who endured such terrible atrocities and violence for many years, had run out.
“Motherland Türkiye had no other choice but to undertake the Cyprus Peace Operation, as a guarantor power, as obliged by the [respective] treaty,” President Tatar said.
“On the morning of July 20, 1974, Turkish soldiers set foot on the beaches of Girne. That day, our people and our Mujahideen [Turkish Cypriot fighters] embraced the Mehmetçik [Turkish soldiers] with great longing. Our tears of joy and relief, that we will be saved, have not been forgotten and are fresh in our minds,” he added.
President Tatar paid tribute to Turkish Cypriot Leader, Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş. “Their determination and leadership in our national struggle to survive and co-exist as sovereign equals has illuminated our path, as has the principles of the Great Leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”.
Stating that “this path is the path of freedom, independence and liberty,” President Tatar said: “What did Mehmet Akif Ersoy, the famous Turkish poet who wrote the [Turkish] National Anthem, say? “For independence is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation!” Sooner or later, we will take the place we deserve in the world and achieve our goals."

President Tatar pointed out that “we have as the Turkish Side always put forward a sincere, positive and constructive approach with regards to international settlement plans during the negotiation processes”, adding: “Our goal has always been to reach a fair, permanent and sustainable settlement that would benefit the Island of Cyprus and the region. However, the hegemonic attitude of the unchanging Greek Cypriot mentality has caused all negotiation processes to fail. Whilst calling it a federal solution, the Greek Cypriot side has always put forward proposals which aims to make the Turkish Cypriot People a minority, and to bring about a unitary state within the EU. The Greek Cypriot Side have, in addition, demanded that a solution must also include the abolishment of the guarantee system and the intervention rights of Türkiye. We can never accept this. It is not possible for us to accept their objective of destroying our State and ending our inherent rights, namely our sovereignty. We will also never accept their demand to end the guarantee of Türkiye or complete withdrawal of the Turkish army from Cyprus.”
Isolation of Turkish Cypriots is a violation of our human rights
President Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriot People are continuing to be deprived of their most basic human rights.
“There is no legal, moral or ethical ground to justify continuing the inhuman isolation of the Turkish Cypriot People, and preventing us from being able to travel directly to our own airport, to being able to trade directly, and for our leadership to have direct contacts and to represent our People internationally. These are issues that violate our individual and collective human rights, which has been continuing for more than 60-years,” President Tatar said.
President Tatar continued: “The isolation and restrictions imposed on the Turkish Cypriots can never be acceptable in today's world. Following the UN Comprehensive Settlement [Annan] Plan, the Greek Cypriot side's unilateral and unjust admission to EU membership on 1 May 2004, contrary to EU accession criteria and without a settlement, has made the Cyprus problem even more complicated. Feeling the assurance of the European Union behind them, the Greek Cypriot side has been left no incentive to make an agreement and has always sought to perpetuate the status-quo, and to deepen our isolation. The Greek Cypriots have wasted time and have no intention or desire to share power and prosperity, on the basis of equality, with the Turkish Cypriot People, which they continue to see as a minority. Sixty-years have been wasted in trying to reach a solution, which have all ended with failure due to the Greek Cypriot Side’s rejections of a settlement, demonstrated in the separately held simultaneous referenda for the Annan Plan in April 2004, and lastly in Crans-Montana in July 2017.”

Two State basis for a settlement in Cyprus
Explaining that the Turkish Cypriot Side put forward “arduous efforts for a federal-based settlement for more than half-a-century,” President Tatar said that the international community has witnessed the refusal of the Greek Cypriot Side to reach a settlement.

“Federal based negotiations have been tried, failed and exhausted,” President Tatar said. “The Annan Plan was rejected by the Greek Cypriot Side. The last and final attempt for a federal settlement ended with failure because of the Greek Cypriot Side’s refusal to share power and prosperity with us. I was elected on the ticket to find a settlement that is based on a two State basis, following the reaffirmation and acknowledgement of our equal inherent rights, namely our sovereign equality and equal international status. This position was first put forward to the international community in Geneva, in April 2021,” President Tatar said.
Stressing that the statements made by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres following the Geneva meeting was very clear, President Tatar said: “Mr. Guterres revealed that there is no common ground between the two Sides to start a new and formal process. He also called upon the Sides to think of new ideas and said that this time must be different. This statement of Mr. Guterres is compatible with the facts on the ground and the realities of Cyprus.”
President Tatar also pointed out that the Greek Cypriot Administration has transformed the South of the island into a military operation centre by making agreements with certain countries, which he said could place the Island in danger.
“Historical mistakes made by the Greek Cypriot administration have made Southern Cyprus a target of certain large organisations,” President Tatar said. “During his visit to the Greek Cypriot side of Southern Cyprus on July 16, 2024, Greek Minister of Defence, Nikos Dendias, announced that they had reached an agreement with the Greek administration on the construction of a naval base in Mari, near Larnaca. Furthermore, as stated in the statement made by the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Türkiye on July 17, 2024, we also strongly condemn the false and slanderous statement of the Greek Minister of Defence, who targeted the Turkish Cypriots and the heroic Turkish army. No one has the right to turn the peace that has been maintained on the island of Cyprus for the last 50 years since the Cyprus Peace Operation of July 20, 1974 into a conflict. The Greek Cypriot side's provocative steps, military agreements with third countries and joint exercises contribute to an escalation of tensions. Just as the international community stood by and watched the attacks of the Greek Cypriots against the Turkish Cypriot people in the 1963-74 period, it also remains a spectator to the attacks in Gaza today. What is happening right next to us in Gaza shows us once again how important the active and effective guarantees are of Motherland Türkiye, as well as the presence of Turkish soldiers in Cyprus."
President Ersin Tatar emphasised that the presence of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an observer member in the Organisation of Turkic States, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and the Economic Cooperation Organisation “provides great support for our acceptance in the international arena”.
Reminding that Shusha, the spiritual capital of the Turkic World, was liberated from occupation on November 8, 2020, by the heroic army of Azerbaijan led by the victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev, following the 44-day war, President Tatar said:
“Our participation in the Organisation of Turkic States summit held in Shusha, Azerbaijan on 5-6 July 2024 and hoisting our flag there is a great success in terms of the acceptance of our two State policy. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to President İlham Aliyev and the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hakan Fidan, for their support to our new two States position that is based on 'Sovereign equality and equal international status. As stated at the summit of the Organisation of Turkic States, the Turkish Cypriot People are an integral part of the Turkic World and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is ready to establish relations with Turkic States in every field,” President Tatar said.
Stating that the “borders of the Organisation of Turkic States have the potential to profoundly affect all political balances in the 21st Century”, President Tatar added: “The Organisation of Turkic States has expanded to the eastern Mediterranean and has become even stronger with the participation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the southernmost Turkish State. Our struggle continues with our ships and UAVs to protect our rights and laws in the Blue Homeland and airspace of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is the stronghold of the Turkic World in the eastern Mediterranean."
President Tatar expresses gratitude to President Erdoğan for support
President Tatar, who addressed President Erdoğan, said: "You have been our voice at the United Nations platform, where the rights of the Turkish Cypriot People have been violated and not represented. Your momentous addresses at the 77th and 78th sessions of the UN General Assembly are a great historical honour and pride for the Turkish Cypriot People. I express my gratitude to Your Excellency for the strong will you have demonstrated and for being our voice on every platform. The Greek Cypriot Administration has further intensified the isolation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. It is trying to cause the collapse of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus economy, by politicising the property issue, contrary to the precedents and judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. The Greek Cypriot Side is attempting to impose pressure and threats on our People. As stated in the call of the Economic Organisations Platform of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the solution to the property issue is possible through the European Court of Human Rights endorsed Immovable Property Commission.”
Greece is at the forefront of those that should be condemned regarding the Cyprus issue
Referring to the latest remarks by Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis, who paid a visit to Southern Cyprus to “condemn” the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, President Tatar said: "Greece is at the forefront of those that should be condemned regarding the Cyprus issue. As a matter of fact, former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou proudly described in his book titled 'Democracy at Gunpoint: The Greek Front’ that his father, Prime Minister George Papandreou, had ordered 20,000 Greek soldiers, dressed in civilian clothes and fully armed, to be secretly transported to Cyprus in June 1964. By carrying out the Cyprus Peace Operation, Türkiye put an end to the massacre launched by the Greek Junta administration and the Greek Cypriot EOKA-B on July 15. As the late Bülent Ecevit emphasised, the July 20 Peace Operation restored peace and democracy for the Greek Cypriots and Greece.
President Tatar stated that they are arduously working for the recognition of the TRNC, with the support of the Republic of Türkiye, and to strengthen the economy and prosperity of the country.
“I would like to express my endless gratitude to the President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for his unwavering support to us and our work in every field,” President Tatar said. “Furthermore, the Economic and Financial Cooperation protocols signed with our government are of great importance. The 2024 Economic and Financial Cooperation Protocol signed between the Vice President of the Republic of Türkiye, Mr. Cevdet Yılmaz, and TRNC Prime Minister, Mr. Ünal Üstel, is of historical significance. I hope that all these efforts and endeavours will turn into tangible economic success in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and I would like to express my gratitude to the Vice President of the Republic of Türkiye, Mr. Cevdet Yılmaz.”
President Tatar also drew attention to the two historical decisions taken in the Turkish Grand National Assembly regarding Cyprus, and said: “The first resolution passed in the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Türkiye was on the Cyprus Peace Operation dated July 20, 1974, which the Republic of Türkiye carried out as a guarantor to provide security and safeguard the lives of the Turkish Cypriot People.
The second is the one dated two days ago, on July 18, 2024, that supports our two State settlement position.
On behalf of myself and the Turkish Cypriot people, I would like to express my gratitude to the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, Mr. Numan Kurtulmuş and to all the Members of Parliament, for passing this new resolution unanimously, and extend my most sincere respects. This resolution has given us more support and further strengthened our cause on the anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, the 50th anniversary of which we are celebrating."
Whilst celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Peace Operation President Tatar also paid tribute and paid his respects to the Turkish Cypriot leader of the freedom struggle, Dr. Fazıl Küçük, Founding President Rauf R. Denktaş and their comrades, as well as the Turkish Statesmen who significantly contributed to the just struggle of the Turkish Cypriot People, including Adnan Menderes, Fatin Rüştü Zorlu, İsmet İnönü, Süleyman Demirel, Bülent Ecevit, Necmettin Erbakan and the then Chief of General Staff Semih Sancar. “May they all rest in peace,” President Tatar said.
President Tatar concluded his address with the following words:
“With these feelings and thoughts on this historical day, I salute with all my heart the century-old resistance of our people, our Mujahideen and our Veterans, and express my gratitude on behalf of myself and the Turkish Cypriot People to Motherland Türkiye and the heroic Turkish Armed Forces, who are always with us under all circumstances. I commemorate with gratitude our beloved martyrs and the veterans who have passed away. May they rest in eternal peace. May the veterans who are still with us, have long and healthy lives."
President Tatar said he wholeheartedly believes that the “sun of freedom that rose on the morning of July 20, 1974 will shine forever”, adding: “July 20 is the day when we overcame the darkness and woke up to light. July 20 is the day Turkish Cypriots came into existence from nothingness. July 20 is the epic of our existence. July 20 is the rebirth of our people from ashes. I wish you all a happy Peace and Freedom Day. How happy is the one who says I am a Turk."