President Ersin Tatar attended the ceremony held at the Atatürk Monument in Lefkoşa as part of the ‘May 19 Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day’ celebrations

President Ersin Tatar was accompanied by Parliamentary Speaker Önder Sennaroğlu, Prime Minister Hamza Ersan Saner, Republic of Turkey Ambassador to Lefkoşa Ali Murat Başçeri, former President Mehmet Ali Talat, Leader of main opposition party Republican Turkish Party Tufan Erhürman, Supreme Court President Narin Ferdi Şefik, ministers, deputies, military officials, mayors, combatant associations, institutions, schools and other officials.  The ceremony was held in front of the Atatürk Monument with observation made to Covid-19 related measures, social distancing and the wearing of protective masks.

At the ceremony, wreaths were laid at the monument and soil brought from Anıtkabir – the burial place of Atatürk, was presented to President Ersin Tatar by Turkish Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri. The ceremony ended with a minute's silence.