President Ersin Tatar commemorates the martyrs of Taşkent 

"War criminals have never faced justice despite the existence of witnesses and evidence”


President Ersin Tatar addressed the ceremony commemorating the 49th anniversary of what is known to the Turkish Cypriot People as the “Taşkent Massacre” – when Greek-Greek Cypriot forces and EOKA terrorists rounded up and martyred more than 80 Turkish Cypriot civilians in August 1974.

The Remembrance Ceremony was held at the Taşkent Martyrs cemetery and commenced with the laying of wreaths at the martyr monument, continuing with a minute's silence and a gun salute, followed by the playing of the national anthem and hoisting of the flags of the Republic of Türkiye and TRNC.
Addressing the ceremony, President Tatar stated: “Today, we are remembering the martyrs of Taşkent, Tatlısu and Terazi villages,  who were martyred simply because they were Turkish.”

“It is our utmost responsibility to our martyrs and children to draw lessons from the past and to build a safe and secure future,” President Tatar added.

“We are commemorating our martyrs in different villages, because 49 years ago, they were barbarically massacred through acts of genocide by Greek-Greek Cypriot forces and fascist EOKA terrorists, as part of their aspiration to unite Cyprus to Greece (ENOSIS). We remember our martyrs with respect. Our People paid a very heavy price in their resistance against ENOSIS.  All they wanted was to live safely and in security under the roof of our own State as a sovereign People, which is our inherent right.”

President Tatar also referred to the massacres carried out in the villages of Muratağa, Sandallar and Atlılar – which the President said were “one of the greatest war crimes of the 20th century”, where 126 people – the youngest being 16 days old, were martyred on August 14, 1974.

“They massacred innocent, defenceless civilians, after having rounded them up and taking them to a place where their bodies were later discovered in mass graves,” President Tatar said. “And all of these massacres were happening in the presence and within the eyesight of UN Peacekeepers. Despite the existence of witnesses and evidence, nobody has ever faced justice for war crimes,” President Tatar said, adding: “What took place here are crimes against humanity whilst the entire world watched.”

Stating that the people of these villages continue to live “with deep pain, loss and sorrow”, the President said there is an expectation and need by the People that the perpetrators who carried out these atrocities face justice, adding that “similar incidents had also taken place in Bosnia” in 1995.

President Tatar stated that “it is our utmost responsibility, not only towards our martyrs but also to future generations, to draw lessons from past experiences and to construct a safe and secure future. However, there is continuing expectation by our People that justice has not been served with regards to these massacres and there is a need to address this issue.”

President Tatar stated that all these atrocities,  the coup d'etat by the Greek Junta and the declaration of the 'Hellenic Republic of Cyprus' in 1974 prove why the Turkish Peace Operation was essential as well as being an obligation as a Guarantor power. “The Cyprus Peace Operation brought peace not only to Turkish Cypriot People but also to Greek Cypriot People,” he said.

“These terrible experiences once again demonstrate in its simplest form the incontrovertible fact that Turkish Cypriots have equal inherent rights just as Greek Cypriots do on the island,” the President said.
In reference to the Cyprus issue, President Tatar stated that new and formal negotiations can only be started following the reaffirmation and acknowledgement of the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot Side.

President Tatar stated: “Our new vision and policy that we put forth in order to find a just and viable settlement to the Cyprus issue is a realistic approach which needs to be taken into consideration, not only for the benefit of the two Sides on the island, but also in terms of regional and global stability”.

Commemorating all the martyrs,  President Tatar wished that they all rest in eternal peace and for the veterans to have healthy and prosperous lives.