President Ersin Tatar meets with Khalid Hussain JP, Mayor of Bury, during his visit to Manchester


President Ersin Tatar will be attending a reception later today where he will be meeting with Turkish Cypriots and representatives of different communities living in and around Manchester. 
During his visit to Manchester, President Tatar met with UK Parliamentarians, mayors and business people.
President Tatar met with Bury Mayor Khalid Hussain yesterday, as well as business people, where discussions were held about the "investment potential in the TRNC", the unjust isolation of Turkish Cypriot People, and the Cyprus issue. 
 President Tatar stated that the purpose of his visits to the UK is to improve relations with the guarantor country, foster better understanding about the Turkish Cypriot cause, explore different aspects with regards to trade and investment with UK business people in the TRNC, and improve travel between the two countries. 
President Tatar expressed his belief that if the UK paves the way for direct flights and direct trade to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, it will pave the way for businesses to invest in the country across different areas.
President Ersin Tatar will complete his visit to Manchester today and will travel to London for his contacts there and the Seventh Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival organised by the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations (UK).