President Ersin Tatar meets with Turkish Cypriots living in the State of New York

“Wherever Turkish Cypriots live in the world, their hearts beat as one for the TRNC”


President Ersin Tatar has met with Turkish Cypriots living in the State of New York at an event hosted in Port Washington by entrepreneur Ayhan Hassan.
President Tatar, who made a speech there stated that he is in New York for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, and that he has met with the UN Secretary-General, where he put forward his position with regards to the Cyprus issue.
“I convey to you the warm greetings from the TRNC. Every year, when I visit New York for the UN General Assembly, it is with great pride that I also meet with the Turkish Cypriots who live here. I wish to thank Ayhan Hassan for hosting this gathering,” President Tatar said.
Stating that many Turkish Cypriots living abroad, including those residing in New York, visit the TRNC at least once a year, President Tatar said: “Whilst continuing with your lives here, carrying out your responsibilities at work and home, bringing up your children to learn about their country, history and culture, I see with great pride that you have always continued to keep your bonds with the TRNC, that many of you visit our country at least once a year, and that many are investing there.”
“The world has become smaller through globalisation and the development of technology,” President Tatar said. “At a touch of a button, you are able to visually see your families in the TRNC on a video-call. However, when your fathers first moved to the US, there was no such technology or any such communication available. A letter posted from here could take months to arrive in Cyprus and vice-versa,” President Tatar said.
President Tatar said: “Our greatest wealth is the unity and solidarity that exist between the Turkish Cypriots abroad, and the love and passion you feel for the TRNC, your culture and history, which you are passing down to future generations. I have visited Australia, UK and US, and have seen the excitement that exists in our people and the support you have for our national cause. It is with great pride that I see very clearly, the will of our people, who want their country to be formally recognised, for the injustices and isolation on our people – which is against our human rights – to come to an end. You are telling me about how you are disappointed that the promises by the international community to end our isolation, to start direct flights, direct trade and direct contact with our country, has not been honoured. My dear brothers and sisters, I am conveying as your President your demands to international actors in my meetings. Our struggle for equal treatment, equal status and equal opportunities continues, for Turkish Cypriots have equal inherent rights in the Island of Cyprus.”
President Tatar stated that he has met with the UN Secretary-General, and reiterated that new and formal negotiations could be started following the reaffirmation and acknowledgment of the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriot People, namely their sovereign equality and equal international status.
Stating that federal-based negotiations have been held through different processes and formats for more than half-a-century, President Tatar said: “Federal based negotiations have been tried, failed and exhausted. It is time to think outside the box. It is time to talk about a new realistic basis that will provide for a practical and sustainable settlement. We are saying that a settlement can be reached on the basis of two neighbouring States, coexisting on the basis of a cooperative relationship. We want the Island of Cyprus to be a beacon of peace and stability in an otherwise volatile region.”
President Tatar said he was “touched” after being introduced to Ali Tutku, a Turkish Cypriot who was present at the event who lives in the US, who has five children and 10 grandchildren. President Tatar stated that the Father of Mr Tutku, named Fahri Ahmet, had been martyred by the Greek Cypriots in 1964 when the attacks against Turkish Cypriots had started. “Our people have suffered the atrocities and this is why we say we will not allow a return to pre-1974 conditions. The existence of the Turkish army and the continuation of the Guarantee of Türkiye is very important for our People and for our security,” President Tatar said.
The President also paid tribute to Ayhan Hassan, who owns numerous businesses and restaurants, and has been given street names in appreciation for his services to the local American community and his investments.
President Tatar thanked everybody for attending the event.