President Ersin Tatar participates in a reception held in his honour in Manchester, United Kingdom


President Ersin Tatar participated in the reception held in his honour which included Turkish Cypriots living in and around Manchester, mayors and different community representatives of the region. 
Representatives of the Turkish community as well as representatives of Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Muslim communities also attended the reception.
In attendance also were Onur Sayın, Consul General of the Republic of Türkiye in Manchester, Çimen Keskin, TRNC Representative in London, Muhammad Tariq Wazir, Consul General of Pakistan in Manchester, mayors and other officials.
Addressing the reception, President Tatar stated that he is very pleased to be in Manchester, and thanked everyone who participated and assisted in the organisation.
President Tatar expressed his gratitude to Turkish Cypriot businessman Ziya Emir for organising the reception, and said that he is very happy and pleased to be meeting with Turkish Cypriots as well as the Turkish community, and representatives of Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Muslim communities.
President Tatar emphasised in his address that the Turkish Cypriot People, in unity with Motherland and guarantor Türkiye, have always worked for a future of peace, prosperity and security in the Island of Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean region.
Expressing his sadness about the terrible wars being witnessed in different parts of the world and the significant loss of life, President Tatar emphasised the importance of people working together in cooperation in a spirit of brotherhood for the goodness of humanity.
Pointing out the importance of "Muslim societies being united”, President Tatar noted that there is “no obstacle that cannot be overcome, so long as there is solidarity and unity”.
President Tatar stated that, as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, they will continue to develop in the eastern Mediterranean, with the support of the Republic of Türkiye, and talked about the developments in the tourism sector and higher education in the country.
Stating that there are two States in Cyprus, President Tatar stressed that the Turkish Cypriots expect the UK, a guarantor power with two sovereign bases in Cyprus, to treat the Turkish Cypriot People on an equal footing.
President Tatar said: “Ever since being elected in 2020, I am putting forward the position for a two State settlement in Cyprus, which is a position fully supported by Motherland Türkiye. We have tried to reach a federal based settlement for more than half a century, but despite the arduous efforts of the Turkish Cypriot Side, this has not been possible, due to the Greek Cypriot Side’s refusal to share power and prosperity with us.”
Explaining that the Greek Cypriot Side rejected over 16 possible agreements over five decades they also voted against the UN Comprehensive Settlement Plan in the separately held simultaneous referenda in April 2004 by 76 per cent, which was accepted by the Turkish Cypriots by 65 per cent, President Tatar said: “Numerous promises were made by the international community to end the inhuman isolation on my people, to enable direct flights and direct trade. However, these promises have not been honoured. We are continuing to seek fairness and justice. We are a sovereign people who live under the roof of our own State, we have our own democracy. This is why we need to think outside the federal box, and to seek new ways forward for a realistic and sustainable settlement. The isolation of Turkish Cypriot People needs to be ended.”
Stating that he is “explaining the new policy by visiting many countries and meeting with many officials”, President Tatar stated that “there is growing support for a two State settlement internationally”.
Renewing his call for cooperation to the Greek Cypriot Side, President Tatar reiterated that the two States in Cyprus can build the future in cooperation, good neighbourly relations and co-existence.
President Tatar also drew attention to the observer status of the TRNC in the Organisation of Turkic States, and in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. 
“The TRNC has succeeded in developing different sectors, such as in the areas of tourism, higher education, construction and other fields,” President Tatar said. “It is an important tourism centre with a moderate Mediterranean climate, quality hotels, sandy beaches and is sunny most of the year.”
Explaining that Türkiye supports the TRNC in different fields across different areas, President Tatar stated that “one of the most significant projects to our country from Türkiye has been what we call the “Project of the Century which is the transportation of 75 million m3 of fresh water via an 80km undersea pipeline suspended 250m below sea level, that runs from Türkiye to the TRNC’s Geçitköy Dam”. President Tatar stated that with the arrival of this water, the TRNC will continue to develop further.
President Tatar stated that he supports a fair, viable, sustainable settlement in Cyprus, that will be to the benefit of both Sides, that will enable to coexist in peace. 
“The two States can cooperate in Cyprus in every field, particularly on energy, tourism, health, trade and other areas,” President Tatar said.
Thanking everybody for their participation in the reception and their support to the Turkish Cypriot cause, President Tatar said he has held productive meetings with different representatives during his stay in the city (Manchester).
Stating that all Turkish Cypriots are “united as one” wherever they are and that he will always “continue to support the success of his brothers”, President Tatar said “Turkish Cypriots living abroad are proud, hard working people, who are loyal to the national cause and the TRNC”, and he congratulated everyone who “invested tirelessly in your Homeland, and wish you all success”.
President Tatar also talked about his visit to Australia and said that they will continue to work for the development of the TRNC State and carry it to the future, which is the expectation and desire of all Turkish Cypriots in the UK, Türkiye and the rest of the world.