President Ersin Tatar participates in the August 30 Victory Day official parade at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard, Lefkoşa

"Turkish Cypriot People have brought our struggle for existence to this day without allowing anybody to trample on our honour, with inspiration we received from our Motherland"


President Ersin Tatar participated in the official parade held at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard in Lefkoşa, celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the August 30 Victory Day. In his speech at the ceremony on Friday, President Tatar stated that the Turkish Cypriot people, inspired by Motherland Republic of Türkiye, have been putting forward their struggle for existence in Cyprus to this day without allowing anybody to trample on their honour. Emphasising the importance of the guarantee rights of Motherland Türkiye,

President Tatar stated that the presence of Turkish forces in Cyprus is an effective deterrent, which is of vital importance for the survival and security of the Turkish Cypriot people. The ceremony was also attended by Speaker of the Parliamentarian Assembly, Zorlu Töre, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, President of the Supreme Court, Bertan Özerdağ, Second President Mehmet Ali Talat, Third President Derviş Eroğlu, Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa, Yasin Ekrem Serim, Commander of the Turkish Cypriot Peace Forces Major General Sebahattin Kılınç, Commander of the Security Forces Major General İlker Görgülü, Leader of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party, Tufan Erhürman, ministers, numerous members of parliament, military officials, and members of the public. The ceremony began with the raising of the flags with the National Anthem, the inspection of the ceremonial units by the President and congratulating the 30 August Victory Day of the public. President Ersin Tatar and Ali Rıza Yılmaz, First Lieutenant representing the Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces Infantry, addressed the ceremony which ended with the parade. President Tatar:

“August 30 Victory Day has been a source of inspiration for the Turkish Cypriot people”
In his speech at the ceremony, President Ersin Tatar stated that Great Leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, set out on the path of the War of Independence following the Gelibolu (Gallipoli) War, and said that Atatürk landed in Samsun on May 19, 1919, where the Turkish National Liberation struggle was initiated. The President said the Battle of Sakarya and the "Great Offensive" to liberate Anatolia from foreign troops were followed by the decisive victory in the Battle of Dumlupınar, on 30 August 1922. Emphasising how the "great Turkish nation rose from its ashes", President Tatar paid tribute to the "heroism of Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms" on the "102nd anniversary of the August 30 Victory Day".

He stated that the Turkish nation was liberated from the occupying forces and that the Republic of Türkiye was established on October 29, 1923. President Tatar stressed that the Turkish nation would "never accept living under the captivity of others", adding that the "independence, freedom and honourable life of the People are paramount". President Tatar also emphasised that these successes and achievements are a "source of inspiration for the Turkish Cypriot people, as well as other oppressed nations in the world". Referring to the Battle of Malazgirt and the conquest of the Island of Cyprus by the Ottomans 500 years later on August 1, 1571, President Tatar said: "During the difficult years of the British Colonial Period in Cyprus, Turkish Cypriots waged a struggle befitting the Turkish nation against all kinds of attacks and atrocities aimed at destroying them. We put forward a struggle for our independence and freedom, inspired by the Liberation struggle and Great Victory of our Motherland,” President Tatar said. "Many sacrificed themselves as martyrs," president Tatar said. "People migrated, and resistance was shown against all kinds of attacks. We are proud to have brought our struggle for existence here to this day without allowing anyone to trample on our honour in a manner befitting our homeland and nation.”

"The guarantee of the Republic of Türkiye and the presence of the Turkish military in Cyprus as a deterrent force are of vital importance."
President Tatar pointed out that the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation was celebrated recently with appreciation and gratitude, and said that they once again "expressed our trust in Motherland Türkiye". Drawing attention to the statement of the President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, that “a federal settlement in Cyprus is now behind us and that a two State settlement is the absolute future,” President Tatar emphasised that the presence of Motherland Türkiye as a guarantor and the Turkish military as a deterrent force in Cyprus is of vital importance for the Turkish Cypriots. Stating that the Turkish Cypriot people are an "inseparable and unbreakable part of the great Turkish nation", President Tatar emphasised the importance of protecting national interests and benefits in the Blue Homeland together with Motherland Türkiye. Paying respect and gratitude to the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his comrades-in-arms and martyrs, President Tatar wished for them to rest in eternal peace. The President also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Turkish Armed Forces, the Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces, the Security Forces Command and the veterans. President Tatar concluded his speech by congratulating the nation on the August 30 Victory Day.