President Ersin Tatar participates in the celebrations marking the 49th anniversary of the liberation of Gazimağusa

“Gazimağusa has become more valuable following the Maraş opening”


President Ersin Tatar addressed the ceremony commemorating the 49th anniversary of the liberation of Gazimağusa on the east coast of the country.
President Tatar stated: “The heroic Turkish Cypriot People, and People of Gazimağusa and the region defended themselves, their freedom and loved ones from the continuing attacks of Greek-Greek Cypriot forces and EOKA terrorist organisation, who were carrying out barbaric atrocities under annihilation plans. Determined to survive and coexist as an equal People, the Turkish Cypriot People were surrounded and being held under siege. However, with the spirit of resistance, the Turkish Cypriots were determined to and did survive these most difficult conditions, and 49 years ago today, the Turkish forces liberated the important city of Gazimağusa which was an important stronghold for our people. Today, we are celebrating these anniversaries under the roof of our own State in peace and freedom.”
The President remarked that there are “two separate peoples, two separate States and two separate democracies that exist in the Island of Cyprus”.
“Negotiations for a federal based settlement which continued for more than half-a-century have been exhausted, because of the continuing obsession and hegemonic mentality of the Greek Cypriot Side that Cyprus is a Hellenic Island,” President Tatar said.
“A realistic and sustainable settlement in Cyprus can be found on the basis of the sovereign equality and equal international status of the two Sides,” President Tatar said, adding that “the two existing States on the island can coexist in a cooperative relationship for a prosperous future providing peace and stability for our future generations”. The President also said that it is important for the Turkish-Greek balance to be preserved on the island.
President Tatar also stated that “Gazimağusa has become more valuable following the Maraş opening” and said that “Maraş is a shining star of the eastern Mediterranean”.