President Ersin Tatar received the Australian High Commissioner, Samuel Beever 

President Ersin Tatar received the Australian High Commission, Samuel Beever, where he explained the the vision of the Turkish Cypriot side.  

President Ersin Tatar explained the vision of the Turkish Cypriot side on the Cyprus issue based on sovereign equality and emphasised the importance of this in terms of sustainable stability and cooperation. He drew attention on the need to end the unjust isolation imposed on the Turkish Cypriot side in order to establish and trust and confidence between the two sides.

Discussions were also held in relation to the developments in the eastern Mediterranean, where President Tatar underlined the legitimate rights of Turkish Cypriots regarding the natural resources in the region, adding that the discrimination applied by the international community against Turkish Cypriots so far should be reviewed and eliminated.

President Tatar explained that the Turkish Cypriot side was preparing constructively and sincerely for the five-plus-UN informal meeting to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, at the end of April.