President Ersin Tatar receives Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev,  Secretary General of the Organisation of Turkic States

President Ersin Tatar, who is in New York for the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, has met with Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev,  Secretary General of the Organisation of Turkic States

President Ersin Tatar and Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev,  Secretary General of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS), discussed relations between the TRNC and OTS during their meeting that was held at the TRNC Representative Office in New York on Friday.
Also in attendance in the meeting were Project Director Ersin Aydoğan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mustafa Lakadamyalı, New York Representative Mehmet Dana and First Secretary Çağrı Kalfaoğlu.
President Tatar, thanking Mr. Omuraliev for the visit, said that it was very important for the Turkish Cypriot People that their State, the TRNC, was accepted with its constitutional name as an observer member to the OTS last year.
“I hope that this development will also be a guide for other countries in the future,” President Tatar added. “It has been 10 months ever since the TRNC is being represented in the OTS, and this historic development has started to open many doors to our country.  TRNC officials and institutions are being invited to important summits and events at different levels that is aimed at enhancing the solidarity and cooperation between Turkic States,” the President said.
President Tatar emphasised that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a Turkish State in the Mediterranean, is preparing to commemorate its 40th anniversary in the coming days. He said the country, which continues to be subjected to unjust international isolation, has started to cooperate with Turkic States in the social, cultural and economic areas.
Stating that President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, had made a fresh call to the international community during his address at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly for the recognition of the TRNC, President Tatar said: “The Turkish Cypriot People have the same inherent equal rights as that of the Greek Cypriot Side. Our independence and State cannot be denied. The new call by President Erdoğan for the formal recognition of our State has strengthened our two State policy, which is a realistic and sustainable basis for a settlement.”
President Tatar said: “We place great importance in continuing to enhance the solidarity and cooperation between the TRNC and OTS. . . I thank Mr Omuraliev for his support to our country and to the Turkish Cypriot People.”