President Tatar meets with young athletes

During the meeting, the athletes thanked President Ersin Tatar and his wife Sibel Tatar for their support and stated that they will continue to make the TRNC proud.

The athletes said: “We are grateful for your support and thank you for always being with us. We will continue to make our country proud. Your support has always made us happy and motivated us to achieve successes in our own country as well as in the world. We promise that we will make our country and you proud by working more effectively with your support.”

Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation Chairman Chairman, Ali Dahlameroğlu, thanked President Tatar and the First Lady for their support to the federation. Expressing that this visit is a great motivation for young athletes, Ali Dahlameroğlu said that they “will continue to work for our country”.

President Ersin Tatar congratulated the Nev Fitness family for their devoted contribution to the country and pointed out the importance of children receiving sports training at an early age, enabling them to gain self-confidence and paving the way for athletes to develop their attributes and skills across all kinds of sports and becoming international athletes.

Wishing for similar activities to be more available across the TRNC, President Tatar emphasised that although we are a small country, there are important talents amongst the Turkish Cypriot youth. President Tatar underlined that despite the isolations, it is a success for us that our athletes represent our country and compete in international competitions. 

Referring to the importance of the support of families, President Tatar stated that we have devoted families and that they provide all kinds of opportunities for their children.

Stating that with his wife, they will continue to attend the activities of Nev Fitness family, President Tatar said: “We are proud of you. You are our shining stars, our future. The most important thing is that our youth are able to continue their successes in the future."

President Tatar and his wife handed out certificates of appreciation to the athletes who were successful in 2021.

Presidential Sports Advisor Sertaç Bozatlı was also present at the reception.