Doç. Dr. Serdar Yurtsever

He was born on May 2, 1969 in Sinop. His hometown is Izmir. He graduated from the Department of Management at the National Defense University in 1991. He completed his master's degree in the Department of Management and Organization at Selçuk University in 2005, his master's degree in the History of the Republic of Turkey at Gazi University in 2007, and his doctorate in the Department of Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History at Hacettepe University in 2011. He received the title of associate professor in 2017.

After serving in various ranks of the Turkish Armed Forces since 1991, he retired in 2016 with the rank of Senior Colonel. For various purposes; he held representation positions in Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kabul/Afghanistan, Bedford/England, London/England, Oslo/Norway, Madrid/Spain, Paris/France, Stockholm/Sweden and Tel-Aviv/Israel. He has two NATO medals. He has been working as a faculty member at Akdeniz Karpaz University since 2016. He still works as the Dean of the Faculty of Law, the Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations and the Head of the Department of International Relations at the same university.

His master's and doctoral studies are on Turkish National Struggle intelligence. His master's thesis titled "Case Studies on Intelligence Activities during the National Struggle (1919-1923)" was published by Atatürk Research Center, and his doctoral thesis entitled "A Secret Group in Istanbul in the National Struggle Intelligence: Felah" was published by Berikan Publishing House. His co-authored works titled; "Libya's Past, Present, and Vision of the Future", "Foreign Actors in Libyan Crisis", "Weak State Behavior within the Balance of Power", "The Changing Nature of War and International Relations", "Relationship between Islamic and Universal Human Rights” and “The Affects of Religion on Shaping International Relations” have been published by various international publishers as books. The last two of these books have been translated into eight different languages: German, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, French, Russian and Spanish. He has many book chapters, articles, papers and newspaper articles published in the field of International Relations. His areas of interest and research are Turkish National Struggle Intelligence, Intelligence, Security, Strategy and Conflict Resolution. He is fluent in English and ancient script (Ottoman).

He is married to Sulhiye Fatma Yursever and has two sons, Mustafa and Kemal.