Head of the Human Rights Association Hasan Yılmaz Işık visits President Ersin Tatar within the framework of the World Human Rights Day

During the meeting President Tatar noted that the Cyprus problem is a human rights issue and added that policies against Turkish Cypriots which are contrary to human rights are unacceptable.

Emphasizing that the direct flight restriction, embargoes on sports and all other isolations imposed on the Turkish Cypriots are unacceptable, the President pointed out that the Turkish Cypriots are sovereign equal people on the island. “On such a day, your message strengthens us. I want to thank you for this,” he said. President Tatar pointed out that after the declaration of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960, Archbishop Makarios had made statements that he accepted the established republic as a springboard for ENOSIS. He indicated that the solution endeavors remain unsolved because of the Greek Cypriot side’s stance and demanded the return of human rights to the Turkish Cypriots.  

Stating that two-state solution based on sovereign equality is needed in Cyprus, President Tatar pointed out that the development of the TRNC will continue in spite of the unjust restrictions and embargoes imposed on the Turkish Cypriots, which are against the human rights.  

Emphasizing the importance of protecting the Cyprus case and its rights, the President said “Right belongs to our people, our nation” and added that we should look forward to the future with hope.  

Underlining the importance of the messages given by the Human Rights Association on the occasion of the World Human Rights Day, the President stated that these messages were announced to the whole world and are recorded in history.  

Referring to the Varosha opening, President Tatar said the region will be brought to humanity through the Immovable Property Commission without impairing Vakıf properties in the region. President Tatar drew attention to the steps taken in Varosha with the full support of the Republic of Turkey and its importance for the humanity.  

Stating that the work of the Human Rights Association gives strength to the institutional structure of the TRNC, the President highlighted that the work of the association is an example of the support given to the people by the non-governmental organisations.