President Ersin Tatar answers the questions of Ahmet Yeşiltepe on NTV

"It is essential for our sovereignty to be reaffirmed and accepted if there is to be new negotiations”

President Ersin Tatar participated in an NTV programme where he answered the questions of Ahmet Yeşiltepe.
President Tatar stated that the acceptance of the sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriot People is essential for new negotiations on the Island of Cyprus to be started. “There will not be a return from this national position,” the President said.
President Tatar stated: “Two States are now inevitable in Cyprus. There have been two States in existence on the Island for 60 years. It is not possible to eliminate these two States and to establish a unitary structure”.
Stating that his two State position is fully supported by Türkiye, President Tatar added: “Negotiations for a federal-based settlement, held for more than half-a-century, have been tried and exhausted. It is essential that our sovereignty is initially reaffirmed and accepted, if a new process is to be started."
President Tatar also referred to the statements of the President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, where he stated that it is important for the two Sides to “sit at the negotiating table as inherent equals, and to get up from the negotiating table as equals”.
“For us, the ridicolous isolation and restrictions which prevents direct flights, direct trade and being able to talk directly with other world leaderships. . .and which also prevents our athletes from being able to participate in many prominent international sports tournaments, needs to be ended. This would be an initial step on the way forward. This is not only our inherent right, but also the promise made by the international community to ending our isolation. This is about respecting the individual and collective human rights of the Turkish Cypriot People."
"The Greek Cypriot Side, never mind putting an end to these inhumane restrictions, has chosen to attack our property, tourism, and higher education sectors as part of a campaign to intimidate us," President Tatar said.
President Tatar said the Greek Cypriot Side is “trying to pressure the TRNC to give up on its rights”.
“The Greek Cypriot Side is carrying out all kinds of cruelty against us in order to force us to surrender at the table through embargoes and pressure,” President Tatar added. “However, the Turkish Cypriot People will not fall for these tricks. The TRNC is fully supported by the Republic of Türkiye, which has a population of 85 million people. There is also the Turkic World. We have come to a position where we can look to the future with hope. International acceptance of the just cause of the Turkish Cypriot People and our two State position is continuing to attract support," he said.
President Tatar pointed out that the international community have not honoured their undertakings to end the isolation on the Turkish Cypriot People.
Evaluating the latest developments in the Middle East, President Tatar stated that the Greek Cypriot Side is taking pro-Israeli steps, which is making Southern Cyprus a potential target, which could have a detrimental economic impact on their economy. Questioning the sovereignty of Southern Cyprus, President Tatar drew attention to the "blockade" put into force against Russia by Southern Cyprus due to the war in Ukraine. 
Stressing that the TRNC is acting together with Türkiye with regards to the crisis in the Middle East, President Tatar stated that there is no risk of the TRNC becoming a target.