President Ersin Tatar arrives in Baku to attend the summit of Organisation of Turkic States


President Ersin Tatar, upon his arrival, was welcomed by Ambassador of Türkiye to Azerbaijan Cahit Bağcı, TRNC Azerbaijan Representative Ufuk Arca Turganer, Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Yalçın Rafiyev and Armed Forces Attaché Brigadier General Soner Oruçoğlu at Haydar Aliyev Airport in Baku.
President Tatar, who will attend the summit upon the invitation of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, will travel from Baku to Susa tomorrow.
President Tatar is accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, Presidential Undersecretary Okan Donangil, Special Representative Güneş Onar and Special Advisor Gökhan Güler during his visit to Azerbaijan.