President Ersin Tatar attended the ceremony held for the 47th anniversary of the liberation of Serdarlı


In the ceremony, which started with the laying of wreaths to the monument in accordance with the protocol, a moments silence was held in a mark of respect for the fallen martyrs. The Turkish and TRNC flags were hoisted as the National Anthem was played.

In his speech, President Ersin Tatar said: "We should know our history well and the atrocities committed by the Greek Cypriot military should not be forgotten".

“Remembering the history and the atrocities that was lived in the recent history of Cyprus does not mean that we do not want to reach a settlement. An agreement can indeed be reached that is based on the existence of two States of which coexist side-by-side, on the basis of equality.”

Expressing that Serdarlı and Gazmağusa were liberated during the Second Peace Operation, President Tatar referred to the active and effective guarantees of Motherland Turkey, adding: “There is no way we will accept returning to pre-1974 conditions. I bow in respect of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our well being and to to be able to exist on this island, and wish our veterans a long and healthy life. May God’s mercy be upon them”.

After the speech of President Ersin Tatar, the ceremony ended with an official parade.