President Ersin Tatar attends fire area in the forest located in the south-west of Karşıyaka


President Ersin Tatar, who went to the fire area which started in the forest  at the south-west of Karşıyaka village, made investigations and was briefed by the authorities.

Stating that he came to the region as soon as he heard the news of the fire, President Tatar said: "There is an extraordinary effort, the villagers, the mukhtar, the firefighters, the Civil Defense. . .everyone is here."


President Tatar stated that Turkey and the United Nations were also informed about the issue and that there might be a need for helicopters.


President Tatar noted that he also held consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his Special Representative, Mr M. Ergün Olgun.


President Ersin Tatar emphasised that intensive efforts are being made to prevent the flames from advancing and crossing to the other side of the mountain.