President Ersin Tatar is paying a visit to Sydney following his contacts in Canberra, the capital of Australia


President Ersin Tatar has arrived in Sydney following his contacts in Canberra, the capital of Australia.

President Tatar, who is visiting Australia on the invitation of Australian-based Turkish Cypriot civil organisations, will be taking part in celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of the arrival of Turkish Cypriot culture and traditions in multicultural Australia, and is holding various contacts in the country.

President Ersin Tatar, who completed his Canberra program and continued to Sydney, was welcomed by Turkish Cypriot civil organisation representatives and members of the public upon his arrival at the terminal with flags of the Republic of Türkiye, TRNC and Azerbaijan.

Addressing the crowd, President Tatar thanked them for coming to welcome him, and stated that he is happy to be in the country as the first President of the TRNC, to embrace the Turkish Cypriot community in Australia. President Tatar added that he will be taking part in festivals, meetings and events marking the 80th anniversary of the arrival of Turkish Cypriots in multicultural Australia.

The President is being accompanied by Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Işıksal, the Special Advisor to the President on International Relations and Diplomacy, and Foreign Press Officer Kerem Haser.