President Ersin Tatar issues a written message on the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayramı)

"The auspicious occasion of Eid is about peace and solidarity, when resentments are forgotten and unity is strengthened"

President Ersin Tatar has wished for the auspicious Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayramı) to be one of peace and solidarity for all Muslims and humanity. 
The President marked the arrival of Eid al-Adha which is being celebrated by the Turkish Cypriot People, that will last for four days, starting from Sunday, June 16.
The written message reads as follows:
“My beloved Nation, Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Eid al-Adha is a special period, reminding us of the importance of compassion, generosity and sharing when our unity and solidarity are strengthened.
On this meaningful and sacred time, we are happy to be together with our nation, with whom we rejoice and grieve together.
For several years, we have been going through a period in which the world has been facing serious challenges in every field, from health to security, with wars claiming tens of thousands of lives. First and foremost, I wish for the auspicious occasion of Eid to bring an end to the conflicts and for peace to be spread worldwide.  
Our unity, solidarity and brotherhood as a nation becomes more important during critical periods.  
The whole world, particularly the developed countries, are struggling with their own political, economic, security and social crises.
Despite all the difficulties experienced, we are doing our best to take advantage of the opportunities together with the support of the Republic of Türkiye, by focusing on our goals.
Negative effects are continuing to be felt in our country due to the deterioration in the global economy, as well as the difficulties that the high cost of living causes in the daily lives of our people. We will overcome these difficulties with the measures taken by our government and the programmes being implemented.
I call upon our citizens to take extra care during the Eid holiday, and to avoid and prevent tragic incidents from taking place. I call upon motorists to refrain from driving at excessive speeds, to conform to the highway code, and not to drive whilst feeling sleepy or tired. And definitely do not drive while under the influence of alcohol.
We, as Turkish Cypriot People, are celebrating the arrival of Eid al-Adha, with the rest of the Islamic World of which we are a part. This is an important religious holiday, and a time for compassion and generosity, where broken hearts are repaired, resentments are forgotten, and the feelings of unity and solidarity are strengthened.
We should not forget our friends and neighbours, and especially our families and loved ones. 
We should show more sensitivity to embracing the poor, orphans and those in need around us.
With these thoughts, I wish for the holy period of Eid al-Adha to be one of blessing, where you will be able to come together with your loved ones and when we shall all strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.  
With my most sincere feelings, I wish our nation and the Islamic World a blessed Eid Mubarak, and for days of peace and prosperity to reign for all humanity.”