President Ersin Tatar meets with Piero Fassino,  Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe rapporteur on Maraş

“Our sovereign equality and equal international status is an inherent right that needs to be reaffirmed in order to start a new and formal process”


President Ersin Tatar has met with Piero Fassino, rapporteur on Maraş of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and Italian Parliamentarian, at the Presidency in Lefkoşa.

Discussions were held on the Cyprus issue and the preliminary draft report with regards to Maraş in the one-hour meeting that was also attended by the respective delegations.

President Tatar stated that he has put forward a new vision and position for a realistic and sustainable settlement that is based on the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriot People, namely their sovereign equality and equal international status.

Stating that the Greek Cypriot side rejected at least 15 settlement plans for more than half-a-century, President Tatar said that this included the Greek Cypriot Side's rejection of the UN Comprehensive Settlement [Annan] Plan in April 2004, that was accepted by the Turkish Cypriot People, in the separately held simultaneous referenda.   He added that despite the rejection, the Greek Cypriots acceded as a member to the EU, whilst the promises to end the isolation on the Turkish Cypriot People by the international community have not been honoured.  The President added that the Greek Cypriot Side again rejected a last and final attempt to reach a federal settlement which caused the collapse of the process in Crans-Montana in July 2017.

President Tatar explained that negotiations for a federal settlement have been exhausted, because of the lack of desire by the Greek Cypriot Side to share power and prosperity with the Turkish Cypriot People.

The President explained that the Turkish Cypriot Side is continuing its engagement with the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, who is mandated to explore whether common ground exists or not between the sides, to start new and formal negotiations.   Explaining that he has put forth a vision with the aim of securing the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriot People, namely the reaffirmation of their sovereign equality and equal international status, President Tatar stated that this will constitute a new basis for the parties to embark on formal negotiations with the aim of reaching a freely negotiated and mutually acceptable cooperative relationship.

Speaking about the Maraş opening, President Tatar stated that an initiative has been taken to bring about a positive change on the Island, and to integrate Maraş, which is located within the TRNC, with civilian life.

President Tatar stated that the constructive approach of the TRNC is designed to fully respect private property rights in line with international law and said that hundreds of former Greek Cypriot inhabitants of Maraş have applied to the European Court of Human Rights endorsed Immovable Property Commission, in seeking an effective remedy that is based on restitution, exchange and compensation.