President Ersin Tatar meets with Sir Iain Duncan Smith, UK Member of Parliament, who is campaigning for direct flights to the TRNC

President Tatar: “We owe it to future generations to do our best to reach a realistic and sustainable settlement on the basis of our sovereign equality and equal international status”


President Ersin Tatar has met with Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, who is paying a visit to the TRNC after arriving in the country from Ercan Airport.

Speaking to the press following their meeting, President Tatar publicly welcomed the Rt. Hon. Sir Ian Duncan Smith to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and to the Presidency, saying: “[He] has been a long-standing friend. He is a very influential Member of Parliament in the UK, and despite a very tough election, he has managed to get re-elected as an MP from the Conservative Party. I extend my heartfelt congratulations once more and wish you success.  We have always had a good relationship, and I am pleased that you also enjoy a great relationship with the Turkish Cypriot community in London.”

Stating that the Turkish Cypriots “have been successful and integrated into the British society for many years,” President Tatar said: “We have many successful businesspeople in the UK, who are not only instrumental in improving the relations between the TRNC and the UK, they are also helping to deepen relations between the UK and Türkiye.   Most of them have close connections with the TRNC, their homeland, where they have invested.  We also have a significant number of British expats who live in Northern Cyprus. Therefore, our deliberations and sincere efforts to be able to commence direct flights and other types of communication between the TRNC and the UK are very important not only for our economy, our prosperity and well-being, but also for fostering better relations between us and the UK, which we value very much.”

“Turkish Cypriot People have very strong connections with the UK,” President Tatar added. “Some estimate that there are as much as 300,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the UK. When one looks at the root causes of the Cyprus issue, we all agree that the Turkish Cypriots have been very unfairly treated, having been denied their inherent rights and subjected to injustice.  I know we have a problem, and that we all want a settlement in Cyprus, which has to be fair, practical and sustainable. . .bearing in mind that there are many dimensions to the Cyprus issue.  For many years, the Turkish Cypriot People, together with the support of Guarantor and Motherland Türkiye, have arduously put forward efforts in good faith to find a solution as demonstrated in the 2004 UN Comprehensive Settlement [Annan] Plan and again in 2017 in Crans-Montana.”

President Tatar referred to the position of the UK on the Cyprus issue, saying: “The UN and the UK are aware of the fact that it has always been the Turkish Cypriot Side who has acted in good faith in order to reach a settlement to the Cyprus issue. Unfortunately, the Greek Cypriot Side has rejected all possible agreements for lack of incentive as they have been recognised wrongly by the international community as the sole government of the 'Republic of Cyprus' which was a partnership state from which they expelled the Turkish Cypriot co-founders by force of arms due to their aspiration to unite Cyprus with Greece."

Explaining that the “Greek Cypriot Side were unilaterally accepted as a member to the EU in the name of the whole Island a week after rejecting the internationally backed Annan Plan in 2004 whilst the Turkish Cypriot People were left out in the cold,” President Tatar said: “The numerous promises by the international community to end the inhumane isolation and restrictions on Turkish Cypriot People have still not been honoured.”

Referring to the public statements by Jack Straw – who was serving as the UK Foreign Secretary in 2004, President Tatar said: “Mr. Straw has stated clearly that the decision to allow the Greek Cypriot Side to become a member of the EU prior to a settlement was a fundamental mistake, and he said that he ‘kicked himself’, and was upset at the outcome of the separately held simultaneous referenda that saw a Greek Cypriot rejection of the Annan Plan by 76 per cent, and the Turkish Cypriot acceptance by 65 per cent.”  President Tatar pointed out that the Cyprus issue “has become even more complicated as a result of the Greek Cypriot Side’s EU membership, which has taken away all incentive for the Greek Cypriot Side to want to share power and prosperity with the Turkish Cypriot People on the basis of equality”.

President Tatar stated that for more than half-a-century, the Turkish Cypriot People have faced  injustice, isolation and unfair treatment, unable to travel direct to their own Homeland, or to trade directly. “Even our youth are unable to participate in many prominent international sports tournaments due to the isolation. This injustice really needs to be addressed, and is a violation of our individual and collective human rights.”

Stating that the TRNC is preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation on July 20 which had been staged by Guarantor Turkiye in 1974 to protect the Turkish Cypriots and stop the bloodshed and island-wide attacks, President Tatar said: “Turkiye undertook the Cyprus Peace Operation as a guarantor power in order to protect the Turkish Cypriot People, who would otherwise have been wiped-out from the Island.  The Island of Cyprus would have become a Hellenic Island. Everybody knows this. These are the real facts of what happened  here.”

President Tatar stated that “we will do our best to reach a settlement that is based on the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot People.  However until this happens, I am demanding from the international community and friends of the Turkish Cypriots to do the right thing and secure our most basic human rights, end our isolation,  allow us to have direct flights, direct trade and to enable our youth and clubs to play in international tournaments, as promised to us 20 years ago during the period of the Annan Plan".

Sir Iain Duncan Smith: “Direct Flights are above party politics and should be seen from the perspective of common sense and humanitarian reasons”

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, who thanked President Tatar for the meeting and the warm welcome he and his delegation has received, said: “I am very pleased to have come here for the first time and to be greeted by the President. . .our histories goes way back as he graduated from Forest School which almost borders my constituency.”

In reference to the direct flights campaign, Sir Iain Duncan Smith added: “I have campaigned and will continue to campaign with the new government to make sure all those British citizens of Turkish Cypriot origin who have huge families in London and here, can travel between the two countries without having a terrible difficult time, as they are unable to get direct flights. It is very important for us, for humanitarian reasons, to make sure that citizens have access to their families in the easiest way possible. That is the main purpose of my visit, and I am happy to continue supporting this process.”

Sir Iain, in reference to the recently published direct flights letter of the Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus campaign, that attracted the signatories of more than 50 UK Parliamentarians and ex-ministers, said: “This is a cross-party letter. . .It covers pretty much all parties and there are ex-government ministers – including myself, and Jack Straw and others from the Labour Party.  This is not a party-political issue. It should be an issue of common sense and humanitarian concern. And this is really what this is all about. It does not seem reasonable not to have direct access for so many of those British families whose families live here. It is normal for people to be able to come back to visit their original roots as free British citizens. This is something we are trying to pursue.”