President Ersin Tatar receives Head of The Zafer Association of Martyrs' Families of Azerbaijan Sevinç Oruçeva, and the children of the martyrs

“Azerbaijan will always maintain its exceptional place for us"


In his speech at the reception, President Ersin Tatar said, “I am very pleased to welcome you here. An important point has been reached in the recent development of our relations with Azerbaijan, with the directions given by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the support of the President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.”

Pointing out that the rapprochement between the Turkish states and the development of commercial and political relations have become even more important in the globalizing world in order to strengthen the Turkish unity as " three states, one nation", President Tatar noted that especially young people getting to know each other and getting closer play an important role in strengthening ties.

President Tatar stated that they are very pleased about the strengthening of relations between the Republic of Türkiye and Azerbaijan and said, “We were always praying during the 44-day Karabakh war. We are very sad for your loss, for your parents, relatives. We neither forget the martyrs nor let them be forgotten. Azerbaijan became even stronger in the liberated lands. Azerbaijan will always maintain its exceptional place for us. We also lost many martyrs in Cyprus. Our nation will never forget the names of the martyrs and will never let them be forgotten. The martyrs will always live in our hearts.”

Pointing out the importance of the work of The Zafer Association of Martyrs' Families of Azerbaijan, President Tatar stated that the mutual cooperation of the associations will serve to strengthen friendships between countries.

President Tatar noted that the Karabakh victory took its place in national history and commemorated all the martyrs. Emphasising the significance of the contacts made by such a meaningful association under the leadership of Sevinç Oruçeva, head of The Zafer Association of Martyrs' Families of Azerbaijan and with the support of the spouse of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, President Tatar noted that they will continue to work together to make the Turkish unity more successful.