President Ersin Tatar visits relatives of TMT members, veterans and martyrs


President Ersin Tatar visits relatives of TMT members, veterans and martyrs 
President Ersin Tatar has visited and extended his respect and Eid al-Adha greetings to the relatives of the Turkish Resistance Organisation (TMT) member Tuncay Apakgün, Veteran Hayrettin Akın who served in the Turkish Peace Forces, and relatives of the martyrs Kadir Mehmet and Cuma Ulu.
During his visits, President Tatar emphasised the unwavering support of the State for veterans and families of martyrs, and reaffirmed the "commitment to support them".  
“We neither forget nor allow our martyrs to be forgotten," President Tatar said, as he stressed the "resilience and courage of Turkish Cypriots who have overcome significant challenges in the past and now live in peace, enjoying freedom and independence due to their perseverance and determination".
The families of the martyrs expressed their gratitude to the President for his visit. TMT member Tuncay Apakgün and TBK veteran Hayrettin Akın also stated that they were gratified by the gesture and visit by the President.