President Ersin Tatar watches the Friendship Concert of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan

President Ersin Tatar has watched the Concert by the Security Forces Command Band of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan State Artists, performed as part of the 26th Northern Cyprus International Bellapais Music Festival by Colonel Abdulla Qurbani, Lieutenant Colonel Qurbanov Cahangir and Rehimova Nigar.


Addressing the concert held at the Bellapais Monastery, President Tatar stated that he is “delighted to see Türkiye, Azerbaijan and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus together at this concert, which has been organised with the understanding of one nation, three states”.

President Tatar expressed his gratitude to İlham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, for his recent statements in support of the “full membership” of the TRNC at the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) and his call on other Turkic States to support this objective.

The TRNC was accepted as an observer member with its constitutional name to the OTS in November 2022.

Continuing his speech, President Tatar stated that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will “come to better places ” with the support of Türkiye, Azerbaijan and other Turkic States, and expressed that he is happy to see the “star and crescent flags on display” at the event.

Thanking the performers for their “beautiful musical performances” and the “emotional speeches”,  President Tatar said: “I express my love and respects to our brothers and sisters from Azerbaijan.  We are the children of the great Turkish Nation who come from the same lineage, we have the same unity of heart and share the same goals.  We will witness a more prosperous future in unity and solidarity.”