President Tatar gives a conference at Sakarya University

President Ersin Tatar gave a conference at Sakarya University on "Lessons to be Learned from the 27 May Coup and the Cyprus Peace Operation".


President Tatar was presented with an honorary doctorate before the conference, which was also attended by Cyprus veterans.
Sakarya Governor Yaşar Karadeniz and Milli İrade Association President, Sakarya MP Ali İnce delivered speeches prior to the conference, which started with a moment of silence, the National Anthem, poetry reading, a video shown about the military coups and the Cyprus Peace Operation, and a musical concert.

At the event, Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Yusuf Alemdar and Sakarya University Rector Prof. Dr. Hamza Al were also present.

In the speeches, President Ersin Tatar was thanked for his visit to Sakarya, and it was emphasized that coups were a black mark for democracy, Adnan Menderes, Fatin Rüştü Zorlu and Hasan Polatkan, who were executed by the so-called court decision on May 27, were commemorated.

In the speeches it was emphasized that the Cyprus Peace Operation brought peace and security to the island, and it was noted that the Republic of Türkiye, which has always been in favour of peace, always stood by the Turkish Cypriot people under all circumstances.
An honorary doctorate was given to President Ersin Tatar, after his biography was read.

In his speech at the conference, President Tatar thanked for the honorary doctorate and the hospitality. President also thanked the veterans of Cyprus and stated that the island of Cyprus has made deeper connections with the water project.

Emphasizing that these ties will be further strengthened by bringing electricity via cable along with water and that no one can separate this bond, President Tatar also explained the history of Cyprus.

Stating that Türkiye used its right to unilateral intervention after the Greek Cypriot attacks and saved the Turkish Cypriot people from the attacks, President Tatar expressed his feelings of gratitude to the martyrs and veterans and commemorated them.

Stating that a turning point began for the Turkish people in Cyprus after 1974, President Tatar said the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was also a great gain for the Republic of Türkiye.
Stating that the state should be part of an agreement, President Tatar noted that the independent sovereign Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will continue to develop in full harmony with Türkiye with the continuation of its guarantorship.

Noting that the Turkish Cypriot people are not alone and will not approve of an imposed solution, President Tatar stated that they are fighting with all their might to ensure that the new policy takes root, and that they are constantly explaining the new policy to their interlocutors.
Mentioning that they will continue to protect their future, state and homeland together with Türkiye, President Tatar noted that they will always continue to protect the state.