Presidential Spokesperson Doğruyol attends online conference organised by Teramo University in Italy with international participants

Presidential Spokesperson and Advocate, Dr. Berna Çelik Doğruyol, took part in the roundtable online conference organised by the University of Terama in Italy on May 17th, 2021 with international participants and in this international legal platform. Dr  Doğruyol raised the issue of  the unfair and inhumane isolation and restrictions faced by the Turkish Cypriot people and our youth which they have also been subjected to in the field of sports for more than half a century.

In the conference with speakers from six different countries, Dr Doğruyol stated that the TRNC sports model is compatible with the European sports model in terms of the universal sports rules (lex sportiva) and that our youth and athletes have successfully competed in international competitions and received degrees in sport fields where there are no isolations and restrictions, adding that we have talented athletes in many sports fields. 

Dr Doğruyol stated that the isolations and restrictions applied to the TRNC especially in the field of sports are without ground  and emphasised that these isolation and restrictions  are against the universal rights and freedoms of the people and should be lifted as soon as possible.