Presidential Statement on the Interview of the British High Commissioner, Stephen Lillie, given to the Kathimerini newspaper

The British High Commissioner Stephen Lillie, in his statements made to the Kathimerini newspaper, has put forward a political approach which coincides with the views of the Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, and has contravened the principle of impartiality.

Furthermore, it has again been demonstrated that the United Kingdom does not seek a comprehensive and sustainable settlement in Cyprus that is based on the realities but is only concerned with protecting its interests in relation to the Sovereign Base Areas (SBA).

We would have expected a diplomat of the United Kingdom, which has a historical, legal and factual connection with the island of Cyprus, to adopt a realistic and impartial approach.  

However, the regrettable statements of High Commissioner Lillie, have completely disregarded this principle.

The United Kingdom is fully aware that, at the negotiations that have been going on since 1968, every opportunity to reach a mutually acceptable settlement in Cyprus was exhausted due to the intransigence of the Greek Cypriot side. As it has also been stated in the relevant reports of the UN Secretary General, it is only possible to break the entrenched status quo by adopting a new and creative approach.

In this context, the Turkish Cypriot side put forward its vision of sovereign equality and equal international status; a realistic approach that is based on the cooperative relationship of the two sides and their inherent rights.    This approach was openly put forward at the five-plus-UN informal meeting in Geneva last April. It is evident that a sustainable settlement can only be reached by approaching the issue with new ideas, and not through the failures and prejudices of the past.

The Cyprus issue cannot be resolved with prescriptions written outside the island and it is an indisputable fact that all circles or persons who wish to help need to adopt an even-handed approach towards the two sides.  Actions to the contrary only impair the ability of those concerned to have a say or be effective on the matter.

Our Prime Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs have also made the necessary statements on this matter.