Report and the 3-year Action Plan of the Children’s Workshop, which was held for the first time in TRNC, has been launched

President Tatar: “The Law Draft regarding Justice for Children will greatly contribute to the development of our children in terms of health, justice and education.”


The Workshop’s Report and the 3-year Action Plan of the Children’s Workshop, which was held for the first time in TRNC during the year under the auspices of the Presidency led by President Ersin Tatar’s spouse Sibel Tatar, was launched.

At the launch held in the Presidency, the work carried out following the Children’s Workshop, the report and the action plan were presented. The information was given on the law draft regarding Justice for Children that was prepared within the framework of the action plan and presented to the Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre by Mrs. Sibel Tatar and the team of lawyers. 

In his speech, President Ersin Tatar pointed to the importance and value of the event and the work carried out in terms of the young people and children who will rule this country in the future. President Tatar thanked everyone who contributed in this valuable work done, especially to his wife Sibel Tatar. 

Pointing out that the booklet prepared is of interest to many ministries, President Tatar expressed his belief that if the law draft regarding Justice for Children presented today is approved by the Assembly of the Republic and replaced with Article 157, it will greatly contribute to the development of children in terms of health, justice and education.

Noting that TRNC is a state that embraces every person, President Tatar reminded of the solidarity our people demonstrated during the years of struggle and during the pandemic in recent years.

Underlining that every need should be met in order to further strengthen the TRNC's structure, President Tatar referred to the previous Family Workshop and the Special Education Law passed by the Parliament to empower children with special needs.
Sibel Tatar: “The resulting action plan will make significant contributions to children, institutions, organisations regarding children and researchers in the country”

President Ersin Tatar’s spouse Sibel Tatar who pioneered the Children’s Rights Workshop and the law draft regarding Justice for Children, in her speech, mentioned Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s saying “Children are the assurance of our future and our joy. It’s our duty to raise today’s children as the confident adults of tomorrow” and drew attention to the importance of preparing our children for the future. 

Stating that children are the future, hope and most valuable assets of the society, Sibel Tatar stated that they should be given the value they deserve, and added that the action plan that emerged at the 1st Children’s Rights Workshop will provide significant contributions to children, institutions, organizations and researchers in the country. 

Sibel Tatar thanked all institutions and organisations that contributed in the Workshop, all participators who attended all meetings and workshop, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süheyla Erbilen and Research Assistant Fatma Türüç for preparing the Action Plan. 
Sibel Tatar extended her thanks to the laywers who worked with them in preparation of the draft law. 

Presidential Legal Advisor Ziba Akkurt during the event, gave information about The Law Draft regarding Justice for Children presented to the Assembly of the Republic.

Akkurt said, “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1996 and became a part of our domestic law”.
Member of the Presidential Committee on Women, Family and Children, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süheyla Erbilen gave information about the 3-year action plan of the Children’s Rights Workshop report.

“It is inevitable to rearrange the laws according to the conditions of the day for the protection of sensitive groups,” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erbilen said.

Pointing out that children have problems in benefiting from the health system and education rights within the framework of children's rights, Erbilen said that protective and preventive measures should be worked on and environments, where children can live safely, should be created.