
President Ersin Tatar gave the mandate of forming the government to UBP Chairman and Prime Minister Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu: "It is important for a stable government to be formed that will work in harmony, without a quorum problem "

President Ersin Tatar handed over the mandate of forming a new government to National Unity Party (UBP) Chairman and Prime Minister Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu.


Sibel Tatar emphasised in her message at the music concert at the Oncology Service on the occasion of February 4 World Cancer Day: "Being happy, having positive energy and faith are important for fighting against this illness.”

A music concert was held by Presidential Art Advisor Laden İnce at the Nicosia State Hospital Oncology Service today within the framework of the events held to raise awareness in our country on the occasion of February 4 World Cancer Day, under the auspices of the TRNC Presidency and under the leadership of President Ersin Tatar's wife, Sibel Tatar.


Presidential Press and Public Relations Office statement: “President Ersin Tatar will not be able to attend the Oath-taking ceremony of Parliamentarians”

President Ersin Tatar, who tested positive for Covid-19 last week, will not be able to attend the Parliamentary Oath-taking ceremony of the new term deputies of the Republican Assembly.


President Ersin Tatar: “I wish a full and speedy recovery to the President of the  Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and First Lady Emine Erdoğan”

President Ersin Tatar held a telephone conversation with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, wishing him and First Lady Emine Erdoğan a full and speedy recovery, after they tested positive for Covid-19.


President Ersin Tatar issued a message on the occasion of World Cancer Day: "It is up to us to defeat cancer"  

The message of President Ersin Tatar on the occasion of February 4 World Cancer Day is as follows:  


President Ersin Tatar’s spouse First Lady Sibel Tatar: “Fighting against cancer should start before getting sick, not after.”

First Lady Sibel Tatar, who could not take part in the awareness march organized by the Presidency staff due to her contact with Covid-19, underlined the importance of individual measures to be taken to promote early diagnosis, early treatment and prevention of cancer by raising awareness in her message.


President Ersin Tatar issued a message for the Night of Rajab: “I wish this night to bring blessing and mercy for all humanity”

President Ersin Tatar issued a written message following the arrival of the Islamic month of Rajab (Regaip Kandili).
