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President Ersin Tatar visits the families of martyrs living in Lefke and Güzelyurt regions on the occasion of December 21, Martyrs' Week.

“If we have independence today and were able to proclaim our own State and Republic in Cyprus, it is due to the sacrifices shown by our martyrs whom we remember with gratitude”


First Lady Sibel Tatar took part in the Tamer Levent 50th Year Art Talk: “It is necessary to benefit from the experience of Tamer Levent, who has promoted the existence of Turkish Cypriots in every medium”

First Lady Sibel Tatar attended the Tamer Levent 50th Year Art Talk event and presented a plaque to Turkish actor, director, art director and writer Tamer Levent.


President Ersin Tatar and Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades came together at the annual end-of-year informal reception

President Ersin Tatar came together with Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades at an informal gathering hosted by the newly appointed Head of Mission of the UN Force in Cyprus, Colin Stewart.


President Ersin Tatar congratulates GÜNSEL B9's showcasing in the world automotive market in London, stating: “The success of GÜNSEL is also the success of everyone who believes in the TRNC"

President Ersin Tatar has hailed the TRNC’s first ever domestic car, GÜNSEL B9, after the vehicle was showcased in the world automotive market at the ‘London EV Show’ which was inaugurated today.


Australian High Commissioner Sam Beever's farewell visit to President Ersin Tatar

Australian High Commissioner Sam Beever has paid his farewell visit to President Ersin Tatar at the Presidency.


President Ersin Tatar heads meeting on economic matters

President Ersin Tatar chaired a meeting where discussions were held on economic matters.


President Ersin Tatar attended New Year’s dinner of Gazimağusa Muhtars’ Association

“We have full confidence in our mukhtars’”


President Ersin Tatar held an online meeting with Representatives of Azerbaijan Media Organisations

President Ersin Tatar held an online meeting with Azerbaijan’s leading media organisations where he explained the position of the Turkish Cypriot side in relation to the Cyprus issue and expressed solidarity with the people of Azerbaijan.


President Ersin Tatar commemorates 10 December Human Rights Day: “Turkish Cypriots will continue to invoke the most basic form of human rights of freedom, independence and governing themselves.”

In his message on Human Rights Day, President Ersin Tatar underlined that as a people who have suffered injustice and discrimination in the past and who have subjected to various acts of violence, the Turkish Cypriots will abide by the right to freedom, independence and governing themselves, which are considered the most basic human rights.
