President Tatar: “Our sovereignty must be accepted in order to resume formal negotiations”
President Ersin Tatar sent a message to the Turkish Cypriots who protested the taking down of the TRNC flag that had been hoisted in front of the Waltham Forest Town Hall by the Council leader, Grace Williams.
First Lady Sibel Tatar has called for the legislation governing animal cruelty to be amended to cover a wider scope of animals – to allow for culprits to be prosecuted.
Presidential Statement on the invitation to the UN New Year’s Reception:
President Ersin Tatar has called the killing of four dogs found to have been hanged in the Karpaz as a "brutal act" and has called on the perpetrators to be tracked down and brought to justice.
“Perihan Aziz is one of the exemplary names of Turkish Cypriots”
Addressing the December 7, International Civil Aviation Day symposium, President Ersin Tatar emphasises: “We must be considered as interlocutors in order to further develop our economy, improve the standard of living and be able to travel freely to our country”